Our Location

View of the Retreat from Shared Room Porches

Thailand is a great country with a relaxed, happy positive vibe. This is why it is so popular with tourists. It is easy to travel to, easy to get around in and easy to get by in English – unlike many countries in Asia! Very importantly, visas are easy to get. Thailand is also famous amongst the Chinese for having some of the best Chi in the world. It flows down from the plateau of Tibet, high in the Himalayas towards the lower land to the south. This makes it perfect for the practice of Kung Fu and Chi Kung.

The retreat is located in Pai. Pai is a small incredible town in the northern mountains of Thailand with a unique culture. It is massively popular with travellers, has all of the facilities that you might want, and it's very easy to get by in English. It is truly a fun town where everyone wants to stay longer. The town centre is less than 10 minutes from the Retreat by moped, but cannot be seen from the Retreat because of a mountain spur.

Ideal really: when at the Retreat, you will feel that you are right away from the town but to get there when you want is not so difficult.

Pai has a population of about 3000 who, at peak times, are heavily outnumbered by tourists, mainly backpackers (for whom Pai is almost a compulsory stop) and the more adventurous Thai and foreign tourists who have braved the minibus ride through the mountains. The district is popular with tourists because there is so much to do here. We take two days off each week to rest and recover from hard training which provides an ideal opportunity to explore the local area. A stay at our retreat can be a holiday as well as a training experience.

"The place itself is stunning - you feel as though you're in the middle of nowhere, being surrounded by rolling hills and beautiful views, but actually it's only a 10 minute scooter ride away from Pai town, where there are loads of restaurants, shops and cafes, so the location is ideal." -Laura, student

View of one of Pai Town roads

Pai acts as a hub for activities and excursions, such as trekking (usually with an overnight stay at a hill tribe village), elephant riding, caving, rafting, off-road driving / motorcycling and visiting waterfalls, temples, hill tribes etc. The favourite way to get around for most is to rent a small motorcycle for about 80 Baht ($2.50US) per day or 2,000 Baht per month. As you would expect in Thailand, the town also boasts a number of beautiful Buddhist temples housing monks.

There are a multitude of restaurants and bars, all very reasonably priced (modest meal about 100 Baht), many market stalls selling local food and goods, and shops selling any supplies you are really likely to need. Even a few small supermarkets! Of particular note are stalls run by local hill tribe people selling clothing, handicrafts, fruit etc. Of particular note is the night market which takes place on the walking street every night of the year. Stalls line both sides of the roads and a few of the side streets. Many local artists offer their work for sale as well as hill tribe people selling their tribal craft work, and an entire section of the market devoted to food and drink. Strolling down the walking street in the evening is one of Pai’s most popular activities.

"The retreat itself is in a beautiful setting, and is located near to many attractions including the town Pai, a great place to go for food and drinks, and many waterfalls and viewpoints and hot springs in the surrounding area. It was amazing to wake up every day in such a fantastic location." -Ciara, student

Evening walking street featuring shopping, food, and live music


The Seasons in Pai are quite distinct and vary as follows:

    Winter season. Usually dry although occasional rain is possible. Warm in middle of day and afternoon. Night time cold enough to require hat and scarf. Mist hangs on the mountains later in the mornings than at other times of the year. Views in the morning amazing! This is the most popular season in Pai with tourists and the town tends to be relatively busy. Good for training as it is not too hot.
  • MAY – JUNE:
    Early rainy season. Occasional rain. Air a little more humid. Daytime can be cooler if there is cloud cover but hot if there is a clear spell, nighttime warmer because of higher humidity. Land begins to turn beautifully green. Clouds often sit on the mountains creating awesome views.
    Late rainy season. Rains dying down but the land still beautifully green, streams and rivers full. Warm and humid. Can be hot if no cloud cover. Views still awesome. A very popular time.
    Hot season. Very dry. Daytime becoming progressively hotter, peaking in mid-April (Songkran, Thai new year). Air cooler at night and before about 10.00am, middle of the day is hot. Land tends to look a bit dusty and at its least, green. Can get smoky from farming activity. Pai is at its least attractive at this time of year. The Thai Water Festival takes place in mid-April and can be a very fun experience.
    Peak rainy season: about half of the days will see some rain but may only be for a short time. Rivers and streams at their highest, waterfalls most impressive. Temperatures moderated by cloud cover and humidity. Training will often have to take place under cover. Plants at their most green and lush. Training aided by high humidity which seems to make the body more pliable and fresh, invigorating chi which comes together with the rain. Arguably the best time of year to come.

Temperatures here do not drop to -40C in the winter. Lowest temperature is usually about 7C in the early morning but will rise to about 28 by breakfast time! Here every day is warm!

The morning misty mountain view from Nam Yang's training areas

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