Partners stretching at the Kung Fu RetreatConditioning and flexibility are vital for any martial artist. At Nam Yang Mountain Retreat, morning meditation and soft arts are complemented by approximately 1 hour of active workouts and stretches in the afternoon to improve endurance and elasticity.

Conditioning and flexibility are vital for any martial artist. We stretch for 15 minutes in the mornings then in the afternoons we devote an hour to a physical workout and stretch session.

Conditioning routines are borrowed from various martial and athletic disciplines to maximize stamina, cardio and strength improvement while maintaining safety and a mind for technique.

Stretching routines employ methods from both Kung Fu and Yoga to greatly improve joint and muscle flexibility and teach body relaxation. Students experience significant improvements in flexibility and elasticity as a result of our training.

Students conditioning with Instructor James

I have only been here a few days and I feel like I am in a new body. -Isobel