Master Iains mother Shiela performing Salut to the Sun

The Shuang Yang Pei Ho Rou Rouan Chien. Usually referred to as 'Shuang Yang' for short and also known as the 'Sun Frost White Crane Soft and Gentle Art.

This is the internal form of the White Crane art. It is performed in a very soft, relaxed way, gently opening the Chi flow in the meridians, training elasticity into all of the tendons and massaging the internal organs. Whilst superficially very similar to Tai Chi, it is part of the Buddhist Shaolin tradition, rather than the Taoist Wutan tradition.

Many people practise the Shuang Yang primarily to benefit their health, vitality and longevity. Whilst the slow, gentle nature of the training make it ideal for older or less fit people, make no mistake: this is a genuine martial art.

“I fell in love with the Shuang Yang, from not expecting practising Kung Fu to I can't get enough." -Rioko

The art of the Shuang Yang

The Shuang Yang art uses mostly the bow arrow stance – a longer stance than the Tiger Crane art. Weight is sunk down and movement is generated from the core of the body, moving out to the limbs like a wave through water. Training connects all of the tendons in the body into one resilient, elastic network with incredible strength. All movements are performed with the whole body. Shuang Yang training is particularly suitable for Chi Na – the Chinese art of twisting joints, pressing pressure points, and sealing off the flow of breath or blood.

As a Crane art, the Shuang Yang develops touch sensitivity and encourages sticking to an opponent, neutralising their attacks and then countering decisively.

Benefits of the Shuang Yang Art

  • Shuang Yang training gently stretches and releases the body’s tendons in a slow rhythmic fashion, increasing its strength and stimulating chi to flow.
  • Shuang Yang training is performed in a meditative state and is a genuine ‘meditation in motion’. It requires sinking of the Chi, calming of the mind and breathing from the core of the body. Regular practice greatly improves health, vitality and combats ageing.
  • This is a highly accessible art, suitable for almost anyone, which gives very rapid benefit.
  • Shuang Yang practice involves a great deal of flexing and twisting in the torso, as well as opening the meridians and energizing the tendons, which strengthens muscles which we do not usually use. It also wrings out and cleans the internal organs, pushes fluids along their course and manipulates the joints of the spine, - keeping them moving freely to promote a healthy spine and body.

“The morning sessions were at a more relaxing and spiritual pace, practising the Qi Gong using breathing techniques and gentle movement whilst the sun rises over the mountains, then the beautiful art of the Shuang Yang with its 66 moves, you feel energised and ready for the day ahead." -Emma